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COVID-19 Regulations & Guidelines
It is your responsibility as hirer to ensure that all current regulations and guidelines are followed.
To assist you with this the following changes have been made and reminder notices put up.
Hand sanitiser is supplied at the main entrance.
A notice at the front entrance reminds you that face coverings should be worn in the hall.
A notice is also displayed pointing out that those who have symptoms or have been in recent contact with anyone with symptoms should not enter the hall.
Exemptions regarding age and medical conditions are displayed. It may be however that further exemptions apply to your activity and the responsibility lies with you to check whether this is the case.
You are also advised to keep the space well ventilated. Please ensure that any external doors are closed before you leave.
The main ladies and gents toilets have been closed and notices displayed advising you to use the disabled toilet by the main entrance.
Northampton Acre has advised that surfaces should be cleaned before and after use and notices to that effect are displayed.
There are supplies of wipes in the kitchen and the disabled toilet.
In order to comply with test and trace the hirer is required to keep a record of those attending his or her event and to keep this record for a minimum of 21 days. Please notify Liz Fraser, our booking officer, Ron Hunt or Fred Barnes should anyone exhibit symptoms, via Village Hall website, or telephone 01788 890709 or 01788 891310.
You are advised that the maximum numbers in any one area should be restricted to:
Main hall 25
Gallie room 15
Library 6
The hirer should take into account the activity of their group and modify these numbers as necessary in order to maintain social distancing.